Wednesday, October 31, 2012
(Rockstars) Under My Umbrella
People call me an old soul. A granny. If they're nice, they might say "wise beyond my years".
And let's face it, I drive a 1993 Crown Victoria, own a pretty impressive collection of records, own and operate a record player, and get excited about antique stores. I eat, sleep, breathe, and practically worship Elvis Presley, whom I consider the most ridiculous, incredible rockstar in the universe, and can proudly say takes up 376 of the 1935 songs on my iPod (which, by the way, wears a pretty sweet Elvis Presley skin).
And it's not just Elvis; most of the other artists on my iPod are either dead or well on their way to the grave: Johnny Cash
Michael Jackson
Ray Charles
The Beatles
Bob Dylan
Creedence Clearwater Revival
and James Brown, to name a few. I love the soul and heart music had back in the 40s/50s/60s/70s, and will preach myself hoarse on the unmistakable difference between 'true' music and the auto-tuned, electronic chaos churned out today. I hardly ever listen to anyone too young to qualify for a AARP membership. I mean, for Pete's sake I've got Bo Diddley on my Spotify account. Look him up.
There's this band, you might've heard of 'em: Needtobreathe. Four of the most intensely passionate musicians on this earth, and also four of the most hardcore rockstars not yet putting their teeth in a jar at night. I saw them for the fourth time just a week ago, October 24th, in Omaha, Nebraska.
I'll save the (as far as I'm concerned) BEST for last. :)
First off, there's the drummer, Nate Hufford. New drummer, yes, but the drummer. I admit, I was particularly attached to Joe Stillwell, who helped build this band and was always the easiest one to talk to at meet-and-greets. But this guy Nate is something else. He gives that drumset a whole new energy until it almost seems to literally dance. He beats the music out of 'em like he's letting something out from inside himself. We never get to hear him sing, but those drums are his voice. To look at, he reminds me a lot of Waldo (as in, where's Waldo?) but he packs a serious punch and brings it hard like I was not expecting. So, welcome, sir, and congratulations on winning my appreciation.
Bass guitar time! Seth Bolt is THAT guy. You know what I mean. There's one in every band. That one band member who seems to be the reason there's an uneven ratio of girls to guys at a rock and roll show. He's, ahem, the female fan favorite. :) Which is cool, I understand, and it can't be an easy job. But seriously, this dude is not only charming, and (admittedly) good-lookin', but he's also a beast on the bass. This is the dude who made me appreciate such a underestimated instrument; I actually HEAR the bass in songs now. It doesn't hurt that the night I saw them, he played a beautiful gold instrument, which became an entirely unmatchable force in his hands. He's spellbinding to watch and both his voice and guitar skills are honey to the ears of any member of the congregation at the Church of Music.
I promise I won't take too long with this one. If I wanted, I could go on for pages about Bo Rinehart, the songwriter/banjo player/guitar player/mandolin player/drummer/backing vocalist. He's a living, breathing one-man band. He dresses like somebody combined a lumberjack, elderly Englishman, and the inventor of skinny jeans all in one. He makes a combination of elbow patches, suspenders, striped socks, and bowler hats look awesome. He sometimes sports a dapper blonde mustache. And the MUSIC. Bo Rinehart is the reason I took up the banjo, an instrument usually associated with toothless hillbillies in the Ozark Mountains who shoot and eat opossums. But he plays the banjo, and in a ROCK band, and manages to make himself and his battered/beautiful Fender five-string heard over the screaming guitars. But Bo does everything. He sings his own lyrics in that sweet high voice which never ceases to send happy chills from my spine to my toes, very nearly knocking down the microphone, the speakers, and anything/anyone else who gets in his way. You see, Bo dances. For the entirety of a three-hour show, he's jumping and leaping and kicking everywhere there's room, and some places where there's not. I love each of the band members (sorta) equally, but Bo's my favorite for that very reason. The music moves him, gets his blood pumping, makes him want to fly. What Nate lets out on his drums, Bo lets out through his crazy feet. Plus, he's an Elvis fan. :)
Bear Rinehart.
There aren't words, believe me. I might as well stop here. That's all I can say. Bear Rinehart.
No, but seriously, saying this guy can rock is like saying a tornado is windy. Lead singer, older brother to Bo Rinehart, and biggest/baddest/best guitarist/vocalist I've ever.....y'know? Like I said, there are no words. He's Bear Rinehart. He's the guy who opens his mouth and screams and it's a freight train hauling grizzly bears hitting your chest at a hundred miles an hour. Bear Rinehart passion is squeezing your eyes shut, stretching your mouth as wide as it'll go, punching yourself in the chest in time to the drumbeat, letting God voice his love through your vocal chords in a growling, snarling, Southern drawl, and rocking back and forth so fast and hard that everyone standing in the front row gets rained on with sweat. That's Bear Rinehart. He doesn't just sing, he doesn't just play guitar. He preaches. Bo's, Seth's, and Bear's boots beat the stage in time and it's thunder in a furious, fascinating, ridiculous storm. He is music, and passion, personified.
This is Needtobreathe. I managed to talk to Seth, and he sang a bit of Joe Cocker's "Feelin' Alright" while standing under my bright blue umbrella, which is covered with little green owls (It was maybe 20 degrees out, and trying really hard to decide whether it wanted to snow or rain; not normal weather for guys from South Carolina). I got to hug Bo, and I gave him a big bag of candy corn and circus peanuts (his favorites--- does anyone else eat circus peanuts??) The poor guy was soaking wet and shivering, but still stayed long enough for a quick chat and a picture, and literally made my year. I could talk Elvis and music with that guy for hours, if I was ever lucky enough to have that chance. Bear stood under my umbrella too, and talked for a bit. Let me tell you, that guy under a cute little owl umbrella was a picture. :)
My point is, Needtobreathe has become my soul music, and one of the few bands I listen to who are young, and current, and popular with people who are actually my age. I've only seen them four times, but this last time was the best by far. I love their passion, their normal-ness; it's so great to me that people with such overwhelming, crazy-awesome talent can be so sweet, so nice, so human. They are a blessing to the music world, and as long as they keep playing, I will never stop listening. Kudos to you, Bear, Bo, Seth, and Nate. YOU GUYS ROCK.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Elvis and the Night
And velvet skies
And a soul crying out
For redemption.
I drove home fast
And I flew down gravel roads
Til I found the perfect place;
An empty field.
My silver lady on wheels
Carried me right into the center
And I stopped, turned off all my lights,
And turned on the music.
Elvis Presley, reinvented
Backed by electric guitars
And extra drums, singing a song
I knew by heart but loved like this
Even more.
The speakers shook
The car rattled til I thought
The 19-year-old Crown Vic would just
Lay down and die.
I sang every word as loud as I could
Screaming to hear myself over the King
Laughing too, because my heart seemed so light
So carefree, so liberated, so happy
In the pulsating blanket of night.
I almost cried it felt so good
And I drove home for real this time
With a smile on my face
Because no matter what the days bring
I’ve got Elvis
And I’ve got the Night.
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
The Time of My Life, take 19
You told me to save you a seat and I did and oh I got dirty looks from some of the other women and I couldn’t look anybody else in the room in the eye and it was such a relief when you finally walked in and every eye was on you you owned the room you made us all breathe and when you laughed it was like no music I’d ever heard and I was so proud when I was the one to make it happen even at my expense but I laughed at you too like when you couldn’t figure out how to clip the moustache to your straw and you ended up breaking the straw and dropping the moustache in your Coca-Cola (“Diet WHAT? Diet WHO?”) and Michelle gave you a bacon-flavored mint to try and you made such a face when you put it on your tongue then you spit it out on the table right in front of me and the woman seated across from me used her mother’s silverware to push it onto the floor then the sweet potato fries came and I don’t know which one of us ate more of them faster but we finished them together and you ate the rest of the apple butter with your fingers and I couldn’t help but think that I knew where you got your lovehandles and then you stuck all the straws together and
then we started spitting spitballs at Sheryl and Bobby and your dad and each other and then it was ice cubes and you had a spitball stuck in your hair and when I pulled it out your hair had something greasy in it like Brill Cream and I wondered if that’s what you used then you started singing Lonesome Cowboy and without even trying you sounded just like Elvis and didn’t even seem to know it and I got goosebumps which I tried to hide from you which was hard ‘cause I swear our arms were touching the entire night and yours was so warm and we’d both taken our shoes off under the table and a couple times your toes touched mine and mine touched yours and it was like the deadliest electric shock that was just like drinking pop too fast and having bubbles build up in your stomach and also like eating your favorite kind of ice cream but it doesn’t make you cold and we got to talking about how Elvis died and you said you’d read all this stuff about the people who didn’t believe he was dead and I remember thinking oh crap this kid could easily beat me at Elvis trivia after all and I thought too that I’d never talked about Elvis with anyone who understood how I felt before I talked about him with you and
you saw the picture of Carmel on my phone and I told you we’d put him down and your eyes like chocolate heaven got so sad and your chin actually trembled and my heart swelled til I thought it’d burst because you were sad simply because I was sad and I loved you for it then you told a story about getting caught with your girlfriend in your car by your dad and gave way too many details ("all you could see were his two feet in the window") and you were laughing so much and talking about the steamed up windows and I knew I was blushing ridiculously red and prayed you wouldn’t notice and wouldn’t know why and you took ibuprofen thinking it was a mint or something and you chewed it and the face you made made everyone laugh and you drank my diet Coke to wash it down and then the food came and the waitress looked at the mess we’d made and looked like she was gonna cry but you made her smile because you could make a lost soul the Devil or anyone smile like you’ve made me smile just sitting backwards in your chair talking about Elvis like he was an old friend you knew everything about and
then everyone was starting to leave and I was scared I guess scared because I didn’t wanna leave and face the world again out there I didn’t want to drive home at 2 in the morning I didn’t want the insurmountable joy I felt all over to end I didn’t want to stop feeling your arm pushed up against mine and I didn’t want to stop staring into your eyes while you talked about Love Me Tender and I had no idea what you were saying and you caught me at it because yours are eyes I could study forever and never see everything in them and I didn’t want to realize that I wasn’t the girl in your life that I only could pretend I was for a couple hours then you were driving back home to her and I was driving back home to my parents and my cat and I couldn’t go with you and go on pretending that your family was mine and your father said he loved me “so much” and he hugged me then I hugged you then both of you hugged me at the same time then I hugged you again and held on just a little too long and you kissed my ear and
I could feel the tears burning so I walked too fast through the dining room deciding that the other people there could probably tell I was about to cry and not really caring I almost ran out to the parking lot and actually made it into my car after waving goodnight to Adam before the tears came hard and fast and wet and salty and uncontrollable and I sat sideways in the driver’s seat and watched the door until you came out and I watched you walk and my windows were down so I heard you faintly laugh and I watched and watched you until you walked around the corner and then your dad was gone too and it was really over and I had to go home and
Then I remembered that moment when I went up to the stage for a scarf (“I guess I will, I might as well”) tripping over the crazy selfish cougars and the ones who brought their handicapped children just to get your attention because you’re too nice to say no because you love the children and not the parents and I waited by the stage hoping you’d see me and you did and you knelt and said right into the mike with happy surprise in your voice
“THERE you are!”
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Touching Elbows
Touching elbows
Meeting eyes
Brushing toes
Stealing fries.
Talking Elvis
Sipping Coke
Swapping stories
Telling jokes.
Spitting spitballs
Stacking straws
Making fun
Yawning jaws.
Telling secrets
Laughing loud
Blushing red
Ignoring crowds.
Touching elbows
Meeting eyes
Brushing toes
Stealing fries.

Meeting eyes
Brushing toes
Stealing fries.
Talking Elvis
Sipping Coke
Swapping stories
Telling jokes.
Spitting spitballs
Stacking straws
Making fun
Yawning jaws.
Telling secrets
Laughing loud
Blushing red
Ignoring crowds.
Touching elbows
Meeting eyes
Brushing toes
Stealing fries.

Thursday, June 21, 2012
The Gospel According To......
Deny me not the God I’ve built to save myself
But let me see that in which I scarce believe
When the righteous rise on chariots of fire
And the sinners crumble under the weight of the Unknown,
Who will free them from this mental slavery
These years of persecution
This time of rights and wrongs
Of blood-stained rosary beads
And dying for the cause
When Death is so vehemently held over their weary heads
As a punishment, not a promise
Of Hell, not Heaven like for those who are
Righteous, righteous according
To the book of Who?
Persecuted for my feelings
Made to seem smaller than those
Who cross themselves and pray and fast and long
But do not satisfy.
Was it really His intent to make us suffer?
Did He mean to have us deny ourselves PLEASURE for His sake?
Did He not allow the First People these feelings that the world might grow?
Am I really going to burn for all eternity simply because I embrace a man too closely?
And what does it mean, to be SAVED?
Saved from what? From Hinduism, from Judaism, from Krishna?
Who are we as a human race to send Ghandi, or John Lennon, or Khalil Gibran
To Hell for simply believing in a different Higher Being?
Why do we condemn what we do not understand?
Why do the rules we write and live by and persecute according to
Come not from God
But from Man?
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
The Cougar Club
Too much lipstick, painted on thick like paint
Reaching fingers, fire-engine red
200 of them, crammed, pushing, fighting, screaming
Must get closer, must get closer
He’s mine, he’s mine
So much sweat and polyester
Drawn-on eyebrows marching like fat brown caterpillars
Rhinestones cover anything that stands still
Shouting, grasping, oooh she got it first I’ll kill her!
Each one certain she’s the favorite
They just want a piece just one little token
Like vultures to a dead zebra
Picking, picking
Yum yum, swallow, repeat
Eating it all up never caring if someone gets pushed downTheir loss, oh well, I got another teddy bear, another scarf!
I’ve been to 50 shows, you know, oh yes practically family!
Aren’t his children darling? Then offers to babysit when all they want
Is stories to tell their friends.Vultures to the dead,
Birds of prey to the lifeless meat,
Closer in, closer in, their lipstick leaves stains on his cheek
Talons stroke the polyester, maybe pinching, always laughing
Oh excuse me but I must get another picture, I’ve only got
347 at home, and of course my husband doesn’t mind that I spend
Our whole retirement fund following that gorgeous young thing around
The country because after all,
I’m his biggest fan.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Wild (Sweet Accidents)
There was a prison-bus-limo outside Pizza Hut
I was scared to even go
But it was okay, it was
There was the usual
Then you hugged me close
You laughed and
talked about your children
But then, oh yes but then
(beef jerky)
And we watched a bad Disney Channel show while we ate
(cherries too)
That delicious pizza with subliminal meaning
(i’ve never noticed
how much you cuss)
Stuffed with greasy cheese.
(place where it all
Through the front doors
(not going to talk
to me)
And up to the table where
(never been tickled
by whiskers before)
He waited.
(i’d nearly
forgotten how beautiful you are)
More than okay, it was
(oh, please don’t
laugh too much)
Just like old times.
(one day maybe you’ll
do it)
Letdown at the end, squeezing
(you said you
would, pretty much promised)
My eyes shut tight so I wouldn’t see
(maybe at show #20)
Those stupid glow-in-the-dark American flags.
(smelling that
secret, expensive cologne)
And sighed, remembering this time that I was a senior
(just two more
left, but don’t think of that now)
Telling me that I came to mind every time
(if that’s a lie it’s
a beautiful one)
You sang that song.
(Kaison, Presley,
and ah yes, their mother)
Until I thought I’d burst with hidden jealousy
(wish I never saw
her, knew her face)
And blurt out the Truth.
(something special
always happens here)
You went to hug me again and instead
(god bless sweet
Of kissing my cheek, you made our lips duet
(keep breathing,
inhale then exhale)
And I could have died happy on the spot
(knowing I really
couldn’t have you)
With you as my very first kiss.
Monday, March 12, 2012
A Place Only You Can Go
I escape myself
I watch you
I close my eyes
And listen.
There’s nothing quite like
Being there
Losing my fears
My doubts
And my frustrations
In the scream of the guitar
And the sweet sweet harmonies
From your lips.
There’s nothing like
Listening to the words of
Every song
And hearing the joy
The love
That goes into writing them.
There’s nothing like
Sweating, living, breathing,
Jumping up and down and
Screaming until my voice
Is nearly as raw as
The lead singer’s.
There’s nothing in this world
More powerful, more profound,
More spiritual
Than being a part of something
So real
So rare
And so redeeming
To my
Very soul.
There’s nothing like
Catching a glimpse
On the street
And feeling my heart
There’s nothing like
Standing in the cold
Staring at my shoes
Because I looked into
His eyes and was surprised
By the weakness I felt
In my knees.
There’s nothing like
Watching you talk
To other fans
About clothes and how
Stupid it is that they wouldn’t let
You take pictures of something
You wanted to buy,
And I’m wondering how it could be
That someone I’ve seen
And has a mustache and wears old-man
And dances like a beautiful fool
And can sing higher than I can
Could ever make me feel
So alive
With just a glance.
I watch you
I close my eyes
And listen.
There’s nothing quite like
Being there
Losing my fears
My doubts
And my frustrations
In the scream of the guitar
And the sweet sweet harmonies
From your lips.
There’s nothing like
Listening to the words of
Every song
And hearing the joy
The love
That goes into writing them.
There’s nothing like
Sweating, living, breathing,
Jumping up and down and
Screaming until my voice
Is nearly as raw as
The lead singer’s.
There’s nothing in this world
More powerful, more profound,
More spiritual
Than being a part of something
So real
So rare
And so redeeming
To my
Very soul.
There’s nothing like
Catching a glimpse
On the street
And feeling my heart
There’s nothing like
Standing in the cold
Staring at my shoes
Because I looked into
His eyes and was surprised
By the weakness I felt
In my knees.
There’s nothing like
Watching you talk
To other fans
About clothes and how
Stupid it is that they wouldn’t let
You take pictures of something
You wanted to buy,
And I’m wondering how it could be
That someone I’ve seen
And has a mustache and wears old-man
And dances like a beautiful fool
And can sing higher than I can
Could ever make me feel
So alive
With just a glance.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
I wake up
Again and cover my eyes
Searching and pleading
With the night to deliver me
From the hellish space from
Which I awoke.
I killed you.
Every night, again and
Again I kill you and can't stop
You from dying.
Your blood that I shed
Blood that marks my door;
Not spared but condemned,
Oh please let me wake.
I sit down, I close the door
I start the engine
I've just left you laughing
Oh what a sweet time we've had,
And now I'm leaving.
I switch into DRIVE
But you step in front of me,
Beg me not to go.
I'm powerless, the car leaps
And you're down and dead
And it's my fault, MY fault
And I scream
And I cry
And you are still
And I wake up
Again and cover my eyes
Searching and pleading
With the night to deliver me
From the hellish space from
Which I awoke.
I killed you.
Every night, again and
Again I kill you and can't stop
You from dying.
Your blood that I shed
Blood that marks my door;
Not spared but condemned,
Oh please let me wake.
I sit down, I close the door
I start the engine
I've just left you laughing
Oh what a sweet time we've had,
And now I'm leaving.
I switch into DRIVE
But you step in front of me,
Beg me not to go.
I'm powerless, the car leaps
And you're down and dead
And it's my fault, MY fault
And I scream
And I cry
And you are still
And I wake up
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Ask anyone,
I lose things
Almost constantly, or
I put it down
For a second and it
Somehow vanishes into thin air, so
Next time I'll write myself a little note
And maybe I won't forget to take
My backpack with me to school or I'll
Actually recall that I'm supposed to go
To work today. Yes! I'll just scribble something down
In my destined-to-be-a-doctor penmanship and THEN
FINALLY I'll actually remember to.......
oh DRAT I've lost my pen.
I lose things
Almost constantly, or
I put it down
For a second and it
Somehow vanishes into thin air, so
Next time I'll write myself a little note
And maybe I won't forget to take
My backpack with me to school or I'll
Actually recall that I'm supposed to go
To work today. Yes! I'll just scribble something down
In my destined-to-be-a-doctor penmanship and THEN
FINALLY I'll actually remember to.......
oh DRAT I've lost my pen.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Modern (and Me)
My name's Sarah.
I'm seventeen years old,
I don't have a boyfriend,
And I don't want one.
I watch one TV show,
I listen to Elvis, Johnny Cash,
The Doors, The Carpenters,
The Turtles, The Beatles,
And Ray Charles, and I enjoy
Spending time with my parents.
The best Christmas present I
Ever got was a record player,
And I know how to play 45s.
I'd rather read a good book
Than go to prom, and my car
Is a year older than I am.
I'm not afraid to go out
Without makeup, and I
Still feel cool singing in
The car with my mom.
I'd rather go to Branson
Than spend a week in LA,
And most of my closest friends
Were old enough to remember
When JFK was shot.
There's your average, run-of-the-mill
Teenager, the girls who listen to everybody
Else's music, and wears everybody else's
And then there's me.
I may not know how to use an iPhone,
But I'm in pretty good company there.
My name's Sarah.
I'm seventeen years old,
I don't have a boyfriend,
And I don't want one.
I watch one TV show,
I listen to Elvis, Johnny Cash,
The Doors, The Carpenters,
The Turtles, The Beatles,
And Ray Charles, and I enjoy
Spending time with my parents.
The best Christmas present I
Ever got was a record player,
And I know how to play 45s.
I'd rather read a good book
Than go to prom, and my car
Is a year older than I am.
I'm not afraid to go out
Without makeup, and I
Still feel cool singing in
The car with my mom.
I'd rather go to Branson
Than spend a week in LA,
And most of my closest friends
Were old enough to remember
When JFK was shot.
There's your average, run-of-the-mill
Teenager, the girls who listen to everybody
Else's music, and wears everybody else's
And then there's me.
I may not know how to use an iPhone,
But I'm in pretty good company there.
Friday, March 2, 2012
Talking Pictures
It’s where you greeted me
Jumping up and down
Waving your arms and laughing
Like a child.
I t’s where you insisted I sit Right across from you
“Where we can talk”,
About Elvis, first cars, and
Mickey Mouse.
It’s where you talked baseball Like it was physical poetry, scrunching up
Your funny nose and swinging an invisible bat,
The bill of your Astros cap almost touching
My forehead.
It’s where you insisted it was 1972, not ’74, And where you laughed when you proved me wrong.
It was there, too, that your dad insisted Gladys gave
Elvis that blue velvet shirt,
And we proved it was Natalie.
It was there you stole a bite of catfish, and spat A mouthful of watermelon seeds, and
Blew bubbles in your Diet Coke.
You almost spilled your ice cream Down my back, and ate four plates of food,
And kicked me with your beaten-up boots,
And nodded appreciatively when I told you
My favorite year was 1976.
It was there you whispered “Love you” In my ear as we were leaving, and gave
My arm a squeeze as we went our separate ways.
And it’s there now That shards of glass are spewed,
That mounds of concrete lay cold,
That carpet is littered with bits of drywall
And leaves and twigs and dirt.
Mother Nature took my memory,
Swept it up, and left it
Somewhere else.
I’ll never know what happened To that giant violin.
Jumping up and down
Waving your arms and laughing
Like a child.
“Where we can talk”,
About Elvis, first cars, and
Mickey Mouse.
Your funny nose and swinging an invisible bat,
The bill of your Astros cap almost touching
My forehead.
It was there, too, that your dad insisted Gladys gave
Elvis that blue velvet shirt,
And we proved it was Natalie.
Blew bubbles in your Diet Coke.
And kicked me with your beaten-up boots,
And nodded appreciatively when I told you
My favorite year was 1976.
My arm a squeeze as we went our separate ways.
That mounds of concrete lay cold,
That carpet is littered with bits of drywall
And leaves and twigs and dirt.
Mother Nature took my memory,
Swept it up, and left it
Somewhere else.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
"Lesson learned, now it's history"
I can't-- wait, scratch that, won't--
Be what everyone else says I should be,
And there's plenty of people
Who love me for that.
Breaking away from a poisonous friendship
Saying "No, no, NO!" 'til it finally stuck
And I could let the chains that once felt like
Comforting arms
Drop away
And hit the ground
When I'm already miles down the road.
Learning the truth behind the "anyone can join"
When really you have to be the one on the floor,
The one with sore lips from kissing butt,
The one who can't imagine life
Without the woman who can't even see
How she drove me away.
I learned that too much of everything
Can lead to a day in a plastic hell
With blue dye in your head and a needle
In your arm and a prayer that it's not what
You think.
I learned that the people who love you
Are the ones who accept your hardheadedness,
Your quirks, your feelings, and your needs,
The ones who will smile and call you beautiful
When you're standing there with makeup on your chin
And snot running down from your nose.
They're the ones who come running
When you call, the ones who are happy
Simply because you are happy,
And laugh everytime you blush
At an inside joke about Hawaiian pizza.
Lesson learned, thanks a bunch,
Now let's get started on now.
I can't-- wait, scratch that, won't--
Be what everyone else says I should be,
And there's plenty of people
Who love me for that.
Breaking away from a poisonous friendship
Saying "No, no, NO!" 'til it finally stuck
And I could let the chains that once felt like
Comforting arms
Drop away
And hit the ground
When I'm already miles down the road.
Learning the truth behind the "anyone can join"
When really you have to be the one on the floor,
The one with sore lips from kissing butt,
The one who can't imagine life
Without the woman who can't even see
How she drove me away.
I learned that too much of everything
Can lead to a day in a plastic hell
With blue dye in your head and a needle
In your arm and a prayer that it's not what
You think.
I learned that the people who love you
Are the ones who accept your hardheadedness,
Your quirks, your feelings, and your needs,
The ones who will smile and call you beautiful
When you're standing there with makeup on your chin
And snot running down from your nose.
They're the ones who come running
When you call, the ones who are happy
Simply because you are happy,
And laugh everytime you blush
At an inside joke about Hawaiian pizza.
Lesson learned, thanks a bunch,
Now let's get started on now.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Rage, Rage
I'm tired, ok?
I'm absolutely sick.
I'm tired of stupid people
Smiling with teeth that
Tear you apart while you
Pretend not to notice.
I'm tired of feeling too much,
Of caring when no one else does,
Feeling a chill in every inch of my body
When Bin Laden dies on the big screen,
When a life is taken and everyone else cheers
As the night-vision green of the camera shows us
His foot twitching, then growing still.
I'm tired of feeling like I don't belong
Of being the only one who doesn't get caught
Texting in class, saying nasty things on Facebook,
Or leaving sappy sticky messages on my boyfriend's Wall.
I'm sick of loving so hard that it hurts,
Of watching romance movies and feeling like
Someone took a giant ladle and scooped out all
My insides, and spending nights wishing I could
Hug him a little tighter, hold his hand a little longer,
And replace her in that happy family photo.
I'm tired of walking in a room and standing there
Pretending not to care while she talks to my friends,
Our friends, and feeling the triumph I imagine festering
In her darkest heart because she knows I hate that it still
Bothers me to hear the voice that I used to love to hear
Greeting me at the start of every day.
I'm tired of feeling like none of it will ever stop.
I'm absolutely sick.
I'm tired of stupid people
Smiling with teeth that
Tear you apart while you
Pretend not to notice.
I'm tired of feeling too much,
Of caring when no one else does,
Feeling a chill in every inch of my body
When Bin Laden dies on the big screen,
When a life is taken and everyone else cheers
As the night-vision green of the camera shows us
His foot twitching, then growing still.
I'm tired of feeling like I don't belong
Of being the only one who doesn't get caught
Texting in class, saying nasty things on Facebook,
Or leaving sappy sticky messages on my boyfriend's Wall.
I'm sick of loving so hard that it hurts,
Of watching romance movies and feeling like
Someone took a giant ladle and scooped out all
My insides, and spending nights wishing I could
Hug him a little tighter, hold his hand a little longer,
And replace her in that happy family photo.
I'm tired of walking in a room and standing there
Pretending not to care while she talks to my friends,
Our friends, and feeling the triumph I imagine festering
In her darkest heart because she knows I hate that it still
Bothers me to hear the voice that I used to love to hear
Greeting me at the start of every day.
I'm tired of feeling like none of it will ever stop.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
spanish mumbles
Pumpkin bread.
French fries,
Diet Coke.
Sweat-soaked skin,
Plastic leis,
Sloppy kisses,
And four-letter words.
Essential cologne,
Brut aftershave,
Old Spice deodorant,
And a Batman toothbrush.
Texas drawl,
Manicured hands,
An ice-cream cone for dessert.
Spicy whispers,
Worn-out leather boots,
A tanned arm over a pale shoulder,
A silly dance.
Spanish mumbles,
A knack for getting lost,
Laughter that fills a whole room……
Pumpkin bread.
French fries,
Diet Coke.
Sweat-soaked skin,
Plastic leis,
Sloppy kisses,
And four-letter words.
Essential cologne,
Brut aftershave,
Old Spice deodorant,
And a Batman toothbrush.
Texas drawl,
Manicured hands,
An ice-cream cone for dessert.
Spicy whispers,
Worn-out leather boots,
A tanned arm over a pale shoulder,
A silly dance.
Spanish mumbles,
A knack for getting lost,
Laughter that fills a whole room……
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