Sunday, February 5, 2012


"Lesson learned, now it's history"
I can't-- wait, scratch that, won't--
Be what everyone else says I should be,
And there's plenty of people
Who love me for that.

Breaking away from a poisonous friendship
Saying "No, no, NO!" 'til it finally stuck
And I could let the chains that once felt like
Comforting arms
Drop away
And hit the ground
When I'm already miles down the road.

Learning the truth behind the "anyone can join"
When really you have to be the one on the floor,
The one with sore lips from kissing butt,
The one who can't imagine life
Without the woman who can't even see
How she drove me away.

I learned that too much of everything
Can lead to a day in a plastic hell
With blue dye in your head and a needle
In your arm and a prayer that it's not what
You think.

I learned that the people who love you
Are the ones who accept your hardheadedness,
Your quirks, your feelings, and your needs,
The ones who will smile and call you beautiful
When you're standing there with makeup on your chin
And snot running down from your nose.

They're the ones who come running
When you call, the ones who are happy
Simply because you are happy,
And laugh everytime you blush
At an inside joke about Hawaiian pizza.

Lesson learned, thanks a bunch,
Now let's get started on now.