Sunday, January 23, 2011


I've always believed
in heaven
but not like they say
in church.
My heaven has no
no heavenly choir
and no white robes.

My heaven is a deep
lush forest
With trees and grass
and sunshine
That goes on forever.
Birds sing, animals
call, and every once
in awhile
It rains.

And in that heaven
My loved ones are
all there, their bodies
and faces as strong
and beautiful
as they were in the
prime of their lives.

There are no wrinkles
No weakened eyes
In fact, no weaknesses
at all.

My favorite thought of
is arriving in this grove
of eternal trees and seeing
that tall man with blue-black
hair and blue eyes and the most
reassuring smile
on his face.

And in this man's arms
is Scooter,
sleek and Persian
And plump as he was in
Green eyes radiant
and his whole body shaking
with his happy