Saturday, October 2, 2010


I don't know
If I've ever found you beautiful
Because your walls are crumbling now
Your glass has been shattered
By rocks

But there's something
About you that still tugs at my heart
As I see you now
Empty, silent, and in pieces
The men in yellow hats paying no mind
To what was once hallowed ground

Your halls were once filled with children
With teenagers, parents, teachers, and custodians
That swept and scrubbed you up with so much care
Catching every speck on your marble floors
And dusting every cobweb away

You'll be gone soon
Nothing more than a memory
And a big ugly hole in the ground
You need to go, you are much too old now
A statue from a simpler time that has given up
And is ready to breathe
Its last breath.


  1. Interesting perspective..the building really came alive..Jae

  2. A flashback before all is dust and rubble - very good :)

  3. Mmmmm tiz' good. I bet lots of people would like to see their old school demolished though.
