Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Hey there future readers!

If you're reading this I assume (or hope) that you already know me and I don't have to go through the excruciating process of telling you all of my weird little quirks (yes ma'am, that IS a Spiderman toothbrush you see by my sink!). But if you are new to the world of me, let me just give you a teeny tiny synopsis:

1. I pretty much live to write.
2. If I were President I would make it illegal to hate. Anyone.
3. Sweet potatoes and carrots and Cheetos and (most) tigers are orange, thus proving the point that orange is a truly fabtabulous color.
4. I really ought to have been born somewhere in the 30s or 40s. Most of the artists I listen to are dead or battling receding hairlines and wrinkles. I love them anyway.
5. I used to think I'd go to Hogwarts someday. Nowadays I feel there's still hope.
6. Elvis Presley and his music are a pretty huge part of my life. (see #4)
7. I'm one of those rare teenagers that enjoy spending time with my parents, who are seriously nerdy and wonderful!
8. I am currently 2 unpublished or seriously expensive books away from reading every Stephen King book out there.
9. Shiny stuff makes me happy, and so do tacos.
10. I'm quite possibly clinically insane, and that's why I have the awesome friends that I do (:

See you in the future, folks! The only way from here is up!


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