Everything was going fine until lunch time. I was over at the salad bar, since that's pretty much all I'm allowed to eat here, with the food restrictions. I was reaching for a plate when three guys come up behind me, and push me against the sneeze guard or whatever it's called.
They start yelling at me, saying things like "Get the hell out of our country", and I couldn't move. I could have kicked them or fought back if I could think, but it happened so fast. They were just saying random things about "stupid Muslims" and getting out of America, and the next thing I knew, one of them overturned a big bowl of cottage cheese on my head. I mean a big bowl. The chunky white dairy product, which I usually love, went all over my hiijab and sweater and skirt and shoes.
That was it. No one around me did anything, and these guys just stood there. I don't know if I was in shock, but it was almost like I didn't realize what had happened. So I reached up and pushed some of the cottage cheese off my head, shook it off my shoes, and walked out. As soon as I got back to my dorm, I washed all my clothes and showered, trying to get rid of the milky smell.
I of course told my parents, and they called all over campus to a bunch of deans and I had to call campus security and report it. I meet with a dean of student conduct tomorrow to go over what happened. It's all been so surreal, and I've been the most calm out of anybody.
The worse part isn't even that it happened to me. It's the idea that such bigotry and hatred and ignorance can be present on a campus that supposedly prides itself on its acceptance and diversity. It's disgraceful and it makes me ashamed to be a student here. Just imagine: if that was the reaction to me, someone who has only spent three days as a Muslim, what would it be like for someone who actually was a devout Muslim? I hate to think what horrible things might happen to them. What they did was bad enough in theory, but the fact that they cornered me for being Muslim, for having the misfortune of being judged for the religion I practice (however temporarily) just because it's associated with the radical Muslims who committed the acts of terrorism on 9/11. Listen closely.
The rituals I've practiced and the prayers I've prayed so far this week are all prayers of thanks and gratitude to Allah for providing for His people. The body is cleansed, the food is blessed before it can be eaten, and a body gives his or her all to Allah's power and will through the ritual prayer, facing Mecca. I put my forehead to the ground and acknowledge that there is a higher power, and that I am grateful for the graces I've been granted. I ask forgiveness for my past and future sins. I cover(ed) my body from head to toe to symbolize that my body is for Allah's use, and I eat only unpasteurized, unprocessed, kosher pareve foods in order to keep my body whole and unaltered. Now you tell me how any of this is a threat to the "traditional" American way of life. No one, no matter what age, race, ethnicity, social or economic status, or religion has any right to tell someone of another age/race/ethnicity/social-economic status how to live, or that the way they are living is wrong and shameful. If you don't understand it, learn about it if you're curious or leave it alone. Don't tear it down. Don't hate. Worship your god and let the other person worship their God/gods/deities in peace.
في سبيل الله،
والرحمن الرحيم.
الحمد رب
الكون الذي خلقنا و
جعلنا في القبائل والأمم،
قد نعلم بعضها البعض، لا أن
ونحن قد يمقت كل منهما الآخر.
إذا كان المنحدر العدو نحو السلام، قم
انت الأعلون إن نحو السلام، و
الثقة الله، لأن الرب هو الذي
ويسمع يعلم كل شيء.
وعبيد الله،
الرحمن الذين يمشون على
الأرض في التواضع، وعندما كنا
التصدي لها، ونحن نقول "السلام".
والرحمن الرحيم.
الحمد رب
الكون الذي خلقنا و
جعلنا في القبائل والأمم،
قد نعلم بعضها البعض، لا أن
ونحن قد يمقت كل منهما الآخر.
إذا كان المنحدر العدو نحو السلام، قم
انت الأعلون إن نحو السلام، و
الثقة الله، لأن الرب هو الذي
ويسمع يعلم كل شيء.
وعبيد الله،
الرحمن الذين يمشون على
الأرض في التواضع، وعندما كنا
التصدي لها، ونحن نقول "السلام".
In the name of Allah,
the beneficent, the merciful.
Praise be to the Lord of the
Universe who has created us and
made us into tribes and nations,
That we may know each other, not that
we may despise each other.
If the enemy incline towards peace, do
thou also incline towards peace, and
trust God, for the Lord is the one that
heareth and knoweth all things.
And the servants of God,
Most Gracious are those who walk on
the Earth in humility, and when we
address them, we say "PEACE."
First of all, I'd like to compliment you. Undertaking this project was a very brave thing to do, and it's mind-boggling how much dedication you're putting into a religion that isn't even yours.
ReplyDeleteSecond, I am deeply disturbed by the boy's behavior. I know bigotry and ignorance are rampant in America, especially toward Muslims, but to see it displayed so openly by the people we hope are being educated and prepared for life is horrifying.
While people like them make me worry for the state of our country, open-minded, open-eyed people like you restore much of my hope for the future. Keep being awesome.
As-salam alaykum
I'm so sorry this happened. This was horrible and not the way for anyone to treat anyone else.